Daily Juice 007 – Money Basics: Emergency Fund- “Curveball account
Today I want to talk about the emergency fund or what I like to it is Curveball account. I know that many don’t like this topic and reading the latest statistic about how 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and have zero funds on their Curveball account, makes me wanna talk about this more. We have a real problem to solve.
How to get started: In the very first episode of Daily Jui$$e we talked about the concept called to “Live Beneath Your means”, where you strive to spend less then you make and also we learned about how to calculate your fixed & variable expenses. Remember that?
Today I challenge you to look at your spending again and find $50 or $100 that you can be saved in your Curveball account. I know you can do it. The weekend is coming up, maybe you don’t go out with friends or buy that new pair of shoes this month.
I promise you, that you will feel a lot more freedom once you start growing your rainy day fund.
I’d like to know where are you going to find extra cash to start finding your Curveball account?