Daily Juice 017 – How to keep financial priorities on track
With the busy lives we have, it’s hard to stay on track. Remember, that you get what you focus on.
Here is a fun, effortless process and that will help you stay on track: Hence, the Money Date.
You can have a money date with yourself, your significant other or if you want professional advice or someone that will take an objective look at your finances. Here is what I propose you do.
Meet once per week and discuss the following:
- Review your goals
- How much money did you make?
- How much money did you save?
- Has your debt increased or decreased?
- Do you anticipate any unusual expenses?
Using this method doesn’t take a lot of time and is virtually effortless. I like to do this on the weekends, maybe Sunday afternoon, so that sets the stage for the next week and gives you a progress report to close out the current week.
Let me know how your Money Date went!