Daily Juice 039 – Your body & your wallet
We hear a lot how stress affects our performance (physically & mentally), but not often we think that living unhealthy lifestyle (not exercising, not getting enough sleep, keeping a healthy diet, etc.) has any connection to our finances. It actually does and a huge one!
In the next few episodes, I would like to talk about some ways to help you stay on the top of your health and your wealth.
Oh, I know that many of us have “love, hate” relationship with this. But, what’s the way out?
Don’t you want to say, young, vibrant, full of energy, sharp, agile? Nothing else, for example, such as at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day helps you accomplish that.
An interesting observation, I found from personal experience is that, if I don’t exercise on the daily basis, then my performance decreases at work and at home. I don’t want that!!
What kind of exercise are you doing on the daily basis?