Daily Juice 070 – Financial Detox: Automate
Now that we are progressing on the path of detoxifying our finances, we audited our income and expenses and started Unsubscribing from services and products we don’t use. Today I’d like to talk about “Automating”.
What can you automate in your life that you forget to do, or want to have less worry about doing? Is that a service, a subscription (note: I am for useful subscriptions!) a task?
I love this phrase “Out of sight, out of mind”…now, of course, I want you to be cognizant of what’s going and the more things you have on autopilot the more success you have in accomplishing anything. It creates a better structure there is on your life.
What can you automate in your finances?
- Saving- this is the big one. American’s fall short of being good savers. So, I suggest setting up a direct deposit, or transfer from one account to account on the monthly basis.
- Bill pay- I notice that there are still a lot of folks who don’t take advantage of this. Why not? They still like to write checks or manually pay bills. It’s very easy to set up and every bank offers this.
Remember the goal of financial detox is to reduce unnecessary expenditures, tasks, and activities and then automate so that you can reduce the stress and worry around money and open up yourself for new opportunities.