Daily Juice 090 – Holiday prep- Earn income (Put your skills to use)
Still on the track to figure out ways to earn extra income to support our spending habits this holiday season.
I love this one, for the simple reason, each and every one of us has unique abilities and skills for which we can be compensated. Now, I know you have a day job which pays for your basic lifestyle but let’s think outside the box and be a bit more creative.
I frequently use www.fiverr.com for various projects. Just this site alone has thousands of examples of how people with different skill sets can earn extra income and some actually run successful businesses.
So, here is a million dollar question for you? What can you do for an hour or two a day to make extra income? Can you design a logo, a website, can you write, edit or create a video.
Sites like www.taskrabbit.com actually allow for someone to perform chores such as painting a room, cleaning a house, repair a window, run errands and pack boxes. You name it, there is someone out there who can do it.
I personally started working on creating online courses where I can teach people personal finance in small chunks and practical ways. Check out my course on how to get your finances ready in the 21st century.
We only have less than 2 months left until Christmas 2016, you’ll have to be thinking and moving fast on your feet.
If you own a vehicle you can always sign up for Uber or Lyft and drive on the weekends making a hefty profit.
Let me know what you going to do to make a few extra bucks.