Creating your Solo Aging Plan
Solo Agers are adults making decisions about their future independently. You might be a solo ager if you are:
- An individual or couple with no children
- An individual who never married, or had children
- An individual living alone since the death or divorce of a spouse or partner
- An individual or couple whose relatives live far away or are estranged
Solo aging is very common and on the rise. According to the 2020 US Census, over a quarter (27.6%) of all US households were one-person households. More people are choosing not to marry, fewer are having children, and the older adult population is growing larger.
Looking ahead and planning is the best way to preserve your sense of autonomy, choice, and life satisfaction before the unexpected happens and your health declines.
Planning Areas for Solo Agers
Financial Concerns – What is your plan for making financial decisions and managing your cash flow and investments? Do you have a summary of your financial situation that you could pass on to someone if you need assistance? Do you have a financial power of attorney in place?
Legal Concerns and Estate Plans – Do you have a current Estate Plan? Who is your executor and/or successor trustee if you have a trust? Have you shared your wishes with that person? Do all of your accounts have designated beneficiaries? Have you made provisions for any pets?
Advance Care Planning – Have you considered the type of care you want and do not want? Are your Advance Care Plans in place and written down and current? Who is serving as your agent/proxy? Have you shared your wishes with your agent?
Healthcare Needs and Management – Who helps you navigate day-to-day healthcare? Do you have someone who can help you prepare for and attend appointments, talk through treatment options, and review bills? What is your plan as your needs change?
Age Diverse Support System – Who is a part of your current support system? Are you part of any groups, clubs, or community organizations? What opportunities are there to enhance what you have in place now?
Safety – Do you have a friend you check in with regularly regarding your well-being? Will you be able to get help in an emergency? Is someone available to care for your pets if you are out of town or need to be in the hospital?
Housing – Have you assessed the best living situation for you now and when you get older? If you want to stay in your home, will it need updates or modifications as you age? Are you interested in exploring Independent and Assisted Living communities, CCRCs (Continuing Care Retirement Communities) or are you open to exploring shared housing?
Living a Dynamic Life – Are you well-equipped with the changes that come with aging? Are you constantly growing, changing, evolving, and advancing yourself? Are you engaged in hobbies or activities you find meaningful? Are you committed to lifelong learning? Do you stay active and keep your mind sharp?
Where do I begin?
Make connections now! Build a thriving social network and join in-person and online groups and communities. Look for opportunities to connect in the community – volunteer, take classes, join a club. Get involved in the things that interest you. You will meet more people you could potentially add to your network.
Increase your health and independence so you can plan to be independent as long as possible. Do regular exercise and stretching so you can keep your body and your mind strong.
Organize your financial documents. Put together a summary of your assets and debts, income and expenses, and any bills, vendors, and other financial resources you and your support network may need.
Start building your “Micro Board of Directors”: A group of friends, family, and professionals to look out for you financially and medically as necessary
Finally, Join the Navigating Solo Network for their SAVvy Day Celebration on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 7pm ET on Zoom. Register here!
Useful Resources:
Navigating Solo Network Resources Library
Essential Planning for Solo Agers
Solo Aging and the Importance of Building a Local Support Network
How to Build Your MicroBoard (And Be The Chair of Your Board!)
13 Ways to Live a Dynamic Life
With the increasing awareness of Solo Aging, help with planning can also be found through many organizations around the country including senior centers, area agencies on aging, and county offices of aging.
Online Group Suggestions: Meetup.com, Facebook (search “solo aging”, “elder orphans”)