Digital Reading List
In July of 2011 I published my reading list on on my blog. It amounted to 50 digital and paper sources I frequently read and thought others might be interested see where I get many of my ideas.
Now, three years later, reflecting on my list, I’ve deleted a majority of the things I listed as reading frequently. They got old, stale or redundant. Many of the publications or applications I read now refer (or Re-Tweet) to other sources.
If you’re in the financial services industry you will identify most of my list. I suspect clients; allied professionals and the general public will not recognize several sources. If you don’t recognize a source, have a look. It could be very enlightening. As always, send us an email when you see something you like either as a question or just to get our attention.
Here’s my list:
- Twitter following list
- Yahoo Finance
- The White Coat Investor (blog)
- Morningstar.com (free and premium subscription)
- Investopedia.com
- The Simple Dollar (blog)
- Seeking Alpha (blog)
- RickFerri.com
- MarketWatch.com
- WSJ.com (subscription paper/app)
- Bloomberg BusinessWeek (subscription)
- NewYorkTimes iPhone app and daily email summary
- WashingtonPost.com (subscription online and paper)
- Vanguard Independent Adviser newsletter (subscription)
- Politico (iPhone app)
- FedSmith.com
- LinkedIn and several special interest groups
- Facebook (yes, I know)
- CNNMoney.com
- Kitces.com
Happy Reading!