Money Boss Podcast: My 40th Birthday Wish
My word for 2023 and ongoing is “wellness.” As this is such a big word and broad topic I wanted to summarize for you what it means and what it can look like in all threads of our lives.
I am turning 40 this month… it’s a very exciting milestone with lots to think about.
Because of this I wanted to talk to you about new year’s resolutions. I find that setting them somewhat loses its power over us by the time end of January rolls around.
So this year, I decided to try something different, yet still very intentional — picking an area or topic and summarizing it in one word, to help me stay focused throughout the year and ongoing.
My word is “wellness.” With this being such a big word and also a very broad topic I wanted to summarize for you the definition and what it can look like in all threads of our lives.