Persistence Pays Off – The Two Year Wait
Hi there! Many of you have been following along in my home purchase saga that began a few years ago. I’m writing today (10/22) to say that as of Wednesday, October 20th we found out the short sale will be approved and we close on November 5th!
What a whirlwind it has been. Since signing the paperwork in early January, we had listing photos taken in April and we’d had many false notions of a close happening this summer and early fall. We’ve been keeping both daycares informed and trying to keep our cool. I’m proud to say we’ve mostly stayed calm but there have certainly been a few moments of “why in God’s name are we putting ourselves through this?”
Wait, wait, wait…Go!
When we found out the exciting news on Wednesday we decided to go for it and list our house in two days’ time. With energetic young kids, it’s been a very interesting couple of days. My four-year-old daughter is convinced she’s an interior designer and when I turn my back she’s scattered the pillows all over the floor (facepalm). So my logic is, let’s get this house on the market ASAP – sleep will have to wait. In a perfect world, we’d have an offer after showings this weekend – I’ll keep you posted! I booked a hotel in DC for this weekend so we can get out of the prospective homebuyers’ way and enjoy a nostalgic weekend in the city we love and lived in for ten years 😃
We did a walk-through of the new short sale purchase yesterday and we’re happy with what we saw. We weren’t sure what to expect going in. The thoughtful homeowner had the carpets cleaned and carefully displayed on the kitchen island was the original 1999 blueprints and each appliances’ owner’s manual. We toured the house and kept an eye out for any new signs of decline or deterioration. All systems go! It was a very memorable visit, walking through the home and feeling like it was ours for the first time. Brandon suggested we bring our daughter and I can’t put into words the joy I felt seeing Bailey bounce through the house from room to room, squealing in excitement. One of those pinch-yourself moments that you take a mental snapshot of.
I wish my mom was here to see this and share in our joy. She was so excited about this house and I imagined walking her through the property on that same day. Mom would give me a huge hug and immediately take control of the room. “Here’s what we’re going to do. Let’s place the couch here, and the coffee table here…Oh, Lizzie, I am so proud of you *another big squeeze*. Want to go to the hardware store and buy the paint?” *Grabs her car keys, walks out before I can respond*