Team Member Spotlight – Jim Ludwick, CFP®
Jim Ludwick, CFP® founded MainStreet Financial Planning, Inc. (MSFP) in 2002. A retired U.S. Air Force officer, Jim’s career experience includes working as a hospital administrator, commercial real estate broker, life insurance agent, vice president of two different bank trust departments and a regional vice president of very large money management firm.
Check out his full profile here
We asked Jim a few questions to get to know him better.
MainStreet Team: When did you join the MS team?
Jim : Founded MSFP Sept. 2002
MainStreet Team: What has been your favorite project at MSFP, or what are you looking forward to?
Jim: Working remotely from Italy, past and present.
MainStreet Team: Do you have a favorite book or movie?
Jim: These are security questions so I must avoid answering. Let’s just say they came from my high school days.
MainStreet Team: Favorite ice cream flavor?
Jim: Again, a security question but the flavor is popular in Italy.
MainStreet Team: What type of music are you into?
Jim: Classic Rock, Country, Classical. I ask Alexa to play those.
MainStreet Team: Where were you born?
Jim: Santa Monica, California
MainStreet Team: Tell us about your family.
Jim: My father worked for the telephone company as an installer and as a part-time boat skipper taking fishermen out to Catalina Island on the weekends. Later a real estate broker. My mother was secretary to a famous actor/director Francis Lederer in the 1930’s, 50’s and 60’s. I met a lot of movie and TV stars in the 60’s working for Mr. Lederer. My wife Carol, at the time an Air Force nurse, met me in 1973 at an Air Force hospital in northern Maine where I was the squadron commander. We married in 1974, traveled to Italy in 1975, then to the United Kingdom in 1978, then to Minnesota, then to Montana, then retired from the Air Force in 1986. We have two sons and soon-to-be six grandchildren. They live in Santa Barbara, California and Phoenix, Arizona.
MainStreet Team: Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
Jim: Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy either this June or as soon as we can travel.
MainStreet Team: Do you have any hobbies?
Jim: Photography, both still and video including a drone.
MainStreet Team: Do You have any tattoos?
Jim: No
MainStreet Team: What’s something unique about you?
Jim: What did you do in the war daddy? I was a disc jockey, “Jungle Jim” Armed Forces Radio and Television. South Korea 1967-69. I was in Korea when the USS Pueblo was captured and 11 months later when the crew was released.
All of us here at MainStreet are grateful to Jim. We would not be here without him! Literally.