Team Member Spotlight – Kassy Hunt
Kassy Hunt joined the MainStreet Financial Planning team in April of 2016.
Kassy brings over 20 years of client service experience. She began waiting tables at 16, and has been helping people in one form or another ever since. Kassy has managed both music and videogame stores, been an Associate Financial Planner, and has even overseen a pirate bar. This widely varied experience, along with growing up around the world as a Navy brat, has given Kassy the ability and the desire to get to know and help, all kinds of people.
Check out her full profile here.
We’ve asked Kassy a few questions to get to know her a bit more!
MainStreet Team: What has been your favorite project at MSFP, or what are you looking forward to?
Kassy: I enjoy it when we complete a project for a client and they let us know how much we helped and how much stress we took off their shoulders.
I also enjoy when clients notice the changing pictures of my son in my emails. Many of our clients have watched him grow up.
MainStreet Team: Do you have a favorite book or movie?
Kassy: I have many favorite books. The Dresden series by Jim Butcher comes to mind first, but the Hobbit was the book that made me the avid reader I am today. I cannot sleep without reading first.
As for movies, growing up in Japan, we only had a handful in English and they definitely impacted my life and personality. Some of the best are Blazing Saddles, YellowBeard, Young Frankenstein, Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life, Airplane, and the Muppet movie.
MainStreet Team: Favorite ice cream flavor?
Kassy: Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough with fresh strawberry, blueberries, coconut, and gummy bears.
My first Job was at Friendly’s and we came up with some pretty crazy combinations.
MainStreet Team: If you were stranded on a desert island, what’s the one thing you’d bring with you?
Kassy: My son James. I am obsessed with him
MainStreet Team: Where were you born?
Kassy: Honolulu, Hawaii
MainStreet Team: Tell us about your family.
Kassy: I am lucky enough to still have my Mom and Dad, sister, and brother close by. We were a Navy family so we are very close.
There is also my son James age 3, often referred to as my office manager. While my grandmother has passed away, she is with me every day.
MainStreet Team: What is one item on your bucket list?
Kassy: Revisit Japan
MainStreet Team: Favorite bumper sticker?
Kassy: Tailgate me and roll for damage
MainStreet Team: Tattoos?
Kassy: 9 including a pumpkin on my leg
MainStreet Team: Hobbies?
Kassy: Dressing in Pirate clothes and going to Faires and Festivals with my friends.
I also make fresh pumpkin pies out of actual pumpkins every fall, hence the pumpkin tattoo.
If you have worked with MainStreet in the last few years, you have worked with Kassy. She is our master coordinator, advisor wrangler, and a perfect mix of snark and sweetness. Kassy, you’re the glue that keeps this remote team together and we are forever grateful!