Webinar – Financial Wellness: Helping Employees Make Smart Financial Decisions
May 29, 2019, 12:00 PM ET/ 9am PT
If you run your own business or are an executive, you may not know the impact financial stress has on your employees, and by extension your organization:
- 80% of employees live paycheck-to-paycheck (PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey)
- Nearly 50% of employees have saved nothing for retirement (PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey)
- 47% of employees carry a credit card balance (Hartford Funds Financial Wellness Report 2018)
- Stressed employees miss an average of 3.5 days at work (Willis Towers Watson Financial Well-Being Survey)
- Each employee spends an average of 20 hours per week distracted by personal finance at work (PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey)
The good news is employers are stepping up. More than half of employers are likely to focus on the financial well-being of their employees this year.
Join MainStreet Financial Planning Chief Operating Officer Ryan Donahue for a discussion on the challenges employees face, the sources of financial stress, and the impact on employers. Ryan will also discuss why and how employers are responding to the challenges faced by their employees.
As part of his presentation, Ryan will provide a brief overview of the MainStreet Financial Planning, Inc. financial wellness offering Money@Work. An online solution supported by Certified Financial Planners™ (CFP®s), the program helps employees take control of their personal finances. By helping empower employees financially, organizations can improve talent retention rates, increase worker productivity, and grow participation in employee benefit programs.
Attendees will have an opportunity to ask live questions after the presentation.